I did buy a couple of pears to help with the pears, but they are such a different shape, I more or less used them just to see where the shadows fell.
I did manage to go to the Friends of the Aurora Public Library Outlet last weekend. Aurora Library does not have a sale once a year like most libraries. They have an outlet that is opened Friday nights and Saturday mornings year round. I ended up spending $13.74 for books that were priced between fifty cents and a dollar. I bought two books that were in French and didn't realized it until I got home. I also have collected a lot of acrylics since we started painting with them in my class. I think the saying should be, "those who can't buy supplies."I did say I might post my failure from last week, I am still embarrassed about how uncoordinated I am. For some reason I just don't seem able to get the technique no matter how often I try. For me practice is not making perfect.

I must say I was more disappointed in the rocks than the trees. I did try painting the rocks in acrylics and that piece turned out better that the watercolors, but I don't have photograph of it. I also have a couple of drawings I did of Paul skiing that I don't have photos of so maybe I will post shots of the acrylic rocks and the drawing(s) of Paul skiing later. Actually, now that I look at the photo of the rocks they look more unfinished that bad.Back to the pears, right now for me the hardest part is the composition and one of the reason I don't like the pear painting is I don't like the composition. My teacher has a really nice composition of pears on the wall of her studio and I think the class wants to try that painting next, but it won't be our composition, I really shouldn't post it because whatever I come up with it will not look as good, but I am going to post because I want you to see how good she is and it also explains why I feel so inadequate.
I laughed at "those who can't buy supplies." There is a little of all of us in that, isn't there? You piles of paintings makes you look like some lunatic artist painting one picture after another and throwing them aside. I love the visual! Don't give up! I've been practicing Pennies from Heaven on the guitar for 6 months now, and finally played it perfectly when June sang it with me on Wednesday. It was a first, and I was shocked, but pleased!
ReplyDeleteSix months, huh? That doesn't sounds so bad, if I could learn rocks and trees in six months I would be very pleased.