Tuesday, May 14, 2013

To Key or not to to Key

I have been trying to think of new ways to use the alcohol inks. I suppose this could be construed to a bit of sibling rivalry.  I really liked what Judy did with the napkin rings. Anyway, my idea was  bookmarks.  I think they turned out kinda cute.  

Sunday night I color a half of sheet of shrinky dink.  I was going to make a key chain, but the shape kind of lends its self to another bookmark.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Current Projects

Here is the painting we just finished in class.  Can't say its my favorite. But practice makes perfect. So, hopefully the more I practice the better I will get.
I found what I think is a pretty good fern that I plan on working on next.  I tried working on the poor farm, but, alas, my ambition exceeds my ability.
Speaking of upcoming projects. I am going to try today to make a couple of alcohol ink bookmarks. 

Collage Prep Work

I have been doing the prep work for our up coming workshop. Two of the pieces turned out pretty good and two not so good.  I have email the person whose piece does not look so good and she has picked out another piece. .

  The other piece was mind and I have also picked another piece. I am posting the results for all pieces so you can see the difference.  It turns out collage work done by the beginner needs a lot of color. 

Sheila will not be able to join us for the workshop. So, we started the project she picked last Sunday.  It is not done, but it is looking pretty good!

Makin' it work

Before the shinky dink workshop, I took a class from Annie Martinez, who is a be a pretty well known artist in the Denver area. I was not pleased with the results, but now I have a work around.  Here are a couple of post card I bought from the artist, so you have an idea of what mind were suppose to look like.

 Here is what mind ended up look like.
The paintings you do in a workshop usually do not turn out, but this is ridiculous! Anyway, turns out an owl is not a good choice for collage work, but this looks like it may turn out to be a pretty good collage

Light a candle, cast a shadow

We did smoke paintings about a month ago and I forgot to post the results. Paintings were made on Mat board and core boards. Light a candle and use the smoke to create a charcol finish on the board.
  Then paint around the smoke with paint colors that enhance the image made with the smoke. I believe I used paynes gray, and yellow orche.  There may be some antwerp blue and quin gold.

The 1st painting is over worked, and the second is not done. Where you see just gray needs to be made into a shape. I would like to make a couple of big rocks. Yes, I am scared I will over work.