The Aurora branch of the Society of Decorate Painter (DSP) has an annual lunch slash art show. This year the show is held today at the Aurora Summit (Happy Birthday, Mom). I had a one day painting 'seminar' on the 27th of August (we were painting tulips). Most of the participants were members of the (DSP). Nice group, they make a point to include everyone. I was asked what I was bring to the 'show.' I explained that I was new and while I would not be bringing something this year, I would next year. I wanted to see what the expectations (lay of the land) were before I committed anything to paper. I was told that because are only twenty members everyone needs to bring at least two pieces, otherwise there would not be much of a show. Back in the 80s there were over 200 members of the Aurora branch (Billings had about 200 members also) but decorative painting is pretty much out of vogue right now. Maybe, that is why I can't find a painting soul mate. Anyway, here are the two pieces I am submitting.
The picture of the thistle is my own design (simple as it may be). The picture of Crested Butte is not my design, it is one of the choices we could have picked when we were doing batik, I thought it would look too dark as a batik.