Wednesday, March 23, 2011

City Roofs

Last week Paul decided we needed a shed in the back yard. I ask if it was for the lawn mower, rotatiller, our new collection of gardening supplies and for Paul's growing tool colection. No, no said he. It is for the old dishes, Christmas decorations, and Dad's old lapidary tools. He wanted to put ALL my books and painting supplies out there too, but I strongly objected! It has occurred to me that he is building it to get rid of my stuff.

He didn't want me too, but I called the city for a permit. Turns out you don't need one if it under 120 feet. It is better to know ahead than to be fined.
We are now at a standstill with our new 8 x 12 shed. Turns out in order to do the roof you need to know you triangles. I think this is the first time I have ever needed high school geometry!
Thank goodness, for the INTERNET. I found serveral sites that walked you through the process, but Paul refused to even look at them (something to do with an adversion to reading). So, I think I have talked him into a UTube veiwing. I want to set it up on the big TV so, I am not sure when we will have the time. Terrie has a birthday this weekend, and next weekend Paul is going to Portland. In the mean time, the shed wannabe is wraped in tarp.


  1. Who needs geometry when there are calculators for your every need on the world wide web?

  2. Awwww. I want a shed :( I have a cement block for one, but instead of my boys building me one, they have turned the slab of cement into a stage for "house shows"

  3. Paul always loves having a project, doesn't he? A shed is a great idea. Hold onto your books and paints, though!

  4. Iknow, I thinks he is trying to move me out to the shed. As your boys grow, G-Bab, your needs will change and then your can have your shed. Just don't let them move your out to the shed.

  5. Great project. You and Paul never cease to amaze me.
